
Home Station

Server and dashboard for my home station. Minor Smart Things 2023

Using the hub

DISCLAIMER: the weather station hub is currently still under development don’t expect any data to be kept!!!

Setting up your account

Connecting your weatherstation to the server

Sending data to the server

The server accepts data in JSON format, take a look at the examples:

{"user": "auke", "weather_station": 1, "data": {"humidity": 66.0, "temperature": 50, "wind_speed": 14, "gas": 20, "testval": 33, "speed": 44}}

{"user": "auke", "weather_station": 1, "data": {"humidity": 66.0, "temperature": 50}}

Make sure to use your own username and to specify your own weather station.

To get the ID of your weather station use the following link: https://whub.duckdns.org/api/stations and look for your username.

Final toughts

A dashboard is available at [http://whub.duckdns.org/dashboard] and is currently still under construction

You’re welcome to create a pull request or create issues whenever you run into something or think some functionality could be improved.


docker compose up -d